Medical Imaging: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a test that provides pictures of organs and structures inside the body, produced by using a magnetic field and pulses of radio wave energy.

In some cases, a contrast dye may be used during the MRI scan to improve the image of certain structures.

In many cases, MRI can provide additional information that cannot be obtained from an x-ray, ultrasound, or CT scan. An MRI can detect tumours, infection, inflammation, internal bleeding, and other types of tissue disease or damage, or help diagnose conditions that affect blood flow.

An MRI technician watches as a patient undergoes an MRI.

St. Joseph’s MRI services

  • Comprehensive imaging of the head, neck and spine, including 3D imaging techniques and angiography
  • Diffusion imaging
  • Rapid imaging techniques for patients who are not able to manage the full MRI cycle
  • High resolution imaging of the head
  • Body imaging, including 3D imaging of the breast, abdomen and high resolution cardiac imaging
  • Spectroscopy, including evaluation of specific myopathies
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