Diabetes Education Centre

A diabetes care provider shows a patient how to use a blood testing device for treatment of diabetes.

Good management of diabetes starts with learning the skills you can use to make healthy food choices, increase your physical activity to suit your life style and capability, monitor your blood sugars, learn more about medications available to treat diabetes and discover ways to cope and stay motivated.

How can you stay healthy with diabetes?

If you are new to diabetes or in need of an update, this is the place to start.

Diabetes education online

The need for diabetes education far exceeds the number of dedicated diabetes educators. According to the Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 2.5 million Canadians have diabetes and this is expected to increase to 3.7 million. Type 2 diabetes makes up 90% of diabetes in Canada.

The cost of diabetes in Canada will rise from 6.3 billion annually to 16.9 billion by 2020. The largest burden, though, is the human cost, as people with diabetes have a higher mortality rate.

We have limited number of diabetes specialist and diabetes educators; but everyone with Internet access can at least get some education about diabetes by using this web site.

We follow the latest clinical practice guidelines available in Canada.

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