
Two men pose for scenic photo with their bicycles

Pacing Your Recovery 

It’s been almost nine years since Rob Staffen was in an accident that would change his life forever. Staffen was cycling down a mountain near Palm Springs, California in October 2012 when suddenly his road bike malfunctioned, catapulting him head-first into the rock-strewn desert landscape. The...
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a young mother and her children sitting at a table

Feeling hopeful

“I never expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer – not just once but twice.” Krista Wilde has been on a physical and emotional rollercoaster since late 2021 when she first found a lump in her breast. A single mom, with no history of breast cancer in her family, she was terrified. “One day you...
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Caring and connecting

If there is common denominator among this year’s recipients of the Sisters of St. Joseph Awards for Excellence, it’s their secret – or not so secret – superpower. The ability to create connections with profound empathy, compassion and sincerity. The three recipients fill very different roles yet all...
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United in Faith - Meet Nawaz Tahir, St. Joseph’s New Board Chair

A key facet of Nawaz Tahir’s Muslim faith is giving back to the community, making his role as the new Chair of St. Joseph’s Health Care London’s Board of Directors a natural fit with his beliefs. “What better way to give back then to volunteer my time and expertise at an organization like St. Joseph...
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Kersten and her care team

From fear to freedom

“The first emotion I remember feeling was fear. I was 5 or 6 years old and I had surgery to put tubes in my ears. That was my first conscious memory and fear ended up being at the centre of most of my life,” recalls 38-year-old Kersten as she sits in her living room surrounded by her baseball cap...
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a staff member showing thumbs up, standing behind a mound of bags full of paper towels

Harnessing the power of paper towels

Paper towels are often thrown into the garbage after use, but where do they go, and what is the impact on the environment? This is a question Environmental Services (EVS) at St. Joseph’s Health Care London recently tackled and the team has now found a solution that is eliminating paper towels from...
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Margot and her daughter

New options in an old battle

While many may have heard of sickle cell disease, an understanding of its life-altering trajectory and the agony it reaps is often lacking. At St. Joseph’s, pain specialists are part of a new, collaborative approach in London to improve care for a growing number of people living with the blood...
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St. Joseph’s adopts the latest in breast imaging technology

Contrast-enhanced mammography and 3D mammography are resulting in quicker, more accurate diagnosis of breast cancer for patients of St. Joseph’s Breast Care Program. The latest wave in breast imaging technology has arrived at St. Joseph’s Hospital and is making a significant difference in precision...
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