Since October 2023, St. Joseph's has been on a transformative journey to plan for the future.
Capital Master Planning helps large hospital organizations like St. Joseph’s evaluate our current health care services and engage with our community to understand future needs for services, buildings, facilities and equipment. It allows us to think about how to enhance health care delivery for the next 10 to 30 years.
Why is Capital Master Planning important?
Capital Master Planning is essential for creating a health care system that meets the evolving needs of our community. Since the start of our project, we have worked closely with staff, physicians, caregivers, volunteers and community health system partners to ensure our plans align with future healthcare needs.
We are also connecting with health care partners to focus on equity, diversity and inclusion using their valuable insights to shape future planning.
With a Capital Master Plan, St. Joseph's is committed to building a stronger health care system for generations to come.
We value your input. Please complete the survey to help guide our planning for improvements to our physical spaces and buildings.
Planning Principles
Ensure St. Joseph's capital investment:

When Planning Our Clinical Services...
At St. Joseph’s, we plan to create a future where care is:
Seamlessly Integrated: Our healthcare services and systems work together to make sure patients receive consistent, organized and efficient care in the right place for them and from the right providers. This helps patients and healthcare workers have a better experience and leads to better health results.
Digital by Design: We use data and technology to improve decision-making, diagnosis, treatment and research. By making the most of technology, we can provide more personalized, evidence-based care and help healthcare evolve.
Community Centred: We provide care that fits the unique needs of the communities we serve. We work closely with the community to shape our healthcare services, making sure they are easy to access, culturally respectful and mindful of social factors that affect health care.
When Planning Our Physical Spaces...
The information we have received to date, confirmed that any upgrades, expansion or new construction should follow the following principles:
- Build for connections, collaboration and communication
- Create a warm, welcoming environment with access to light and nature
- Design for equal access and inclusion for all community members
- Harness innovation, research and technology to help people better connect to care
What's next?
The Master Planning process is set by the Ministry of Health. At each step in the process, St. Joseph's must apply for approval from the Ministry before moving forward.
There are three stages with several phases in each stage. Each stage builds on information from the previous one.
- Stage 1 – Early Planning
- Stage 2 – Detailed Planning
- Stage 3 - Construction
At the request of the Ministry, St. Joseph’s began our Capital Master Planning work and is currently developing our Stage 1.2 proposal, which we plan to submit to the Ministry of Health in Spring 2025.