South West Frail Senior Strategy


Southwest Frail Senior logo

The South West Frail Senior Strategy’s purpose is to improve outcomes and experiences of the health care system for older adults with frailty and their caregivers. Together with health care and community partners, older adults and family caregivers, the Strategy will work to create locally integrated systems of care that shift the way services are offered for this underserved population.

Backbone support for the South West Frail Senior Strategy is provided by St. Joseph’s Health Care London.

Improving the Health Care System for Older Adults: A Report on Progress of the SouthWest Frail Senior Strategy 2019-2022


Wondering how to optimize virtual care with older adults and their caregivers?

Learn how with this guidance document for health care and community support service providers:

Providing Virtual Care to Older Adults and Caregivers across the South West

Strategic Priorities 2019-2022

Learn more about the South West Frail Senior Strategy’s approach and direction for the future:


South West Frail Seniors Strategy cover page

Stakeholder Engagement

One of the key principles of the South West Frail Senior Strategy is to involve and co-design improvement strategies with stakeholders from across the Southwest. We know the value of hearing from those who use and deliver services. Since the beginning, our planning has been shaped by the feedback from more than 530 older adults and their caregivers, health care providers and community agencies from communities across Grey-Bruce, Huron-Perth, London-Middlesex, Oxford and Elgin. As we move forward to the next phase of our work we continue to gather, co-design and connect with individuals and groups with lived experience to help guide our work.

If you are interested in actively participating in our work, please reach out to Jody Glover at @email or by phone at 519 646-6100 ext. 46333.

Connected Canadians

Contact Us
519 646-6100 ext. 45269