Lawson Research and Work Study Students can find their education modules below.
Please note that you may not be required to complete all the training on this page.
Please refer to the email you received from Research Health and Safety for detailed instructions on what training to compete.
All health and safety training requirements must be completed before your research placements/positions begin.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | IP students | Site specific
- Basic Isotope Safety
- Behaviour Safety Alert for Everyone
- Behaviour Safety Alert in the Electronic Health Record
- Centralized Medical Device Reprocessing - Part 1
- Centralized Medical Device Reprocessing - Part 2
- Civility in the Workplace
- Cyber Security
- Emergency Colour Codes
- Emergency Eye Wash and Safety Showers
- Excelling at Accessible Customer Service: Part I
- Excelling at Accessible Customer Service: Part II
- Infection Control Core Competency: Additional Precautions
- Infection Control Core Competency: Hand Hygiene
- Infection Control Core Competency: Routine Practices
- Influenza Prevention: Understanding Influenza and Influenza Vaccination
- Infomed (NOT required for students placed at Mount Hope)
- Infusion Pump Safety - Baxter module
- Intravenous Infusion
- IP Nursing - CADD Solis Infusion Pump
- Preventing Falls and Injuries - Clinical (Inpatient areas)
- Preventing Falls and Injuries - Ambulatory (Outpatient areas)
- Privacy and Confidentiality
- Safe Delivery and Administration of 0-15 Gas
- Safety for Isotope Handlers
- Sexual Health Practice in Rehabilitation - Introduction
- Sexual Health Practice in Rehabilitation - Application to Clinical Practice
- Sharps Safety
- Slips, Trips and Falls
- Sterile Processing Competency Self-Assessment
- Suicide Risk Assessment and Prevention
- Working Safely with Chemicals
- Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
- Workplace Violence Prevention
Integrated Practicum (IP) students
- Accu-Chek Inform II Glucose Meter training
- Pyxis Competency Checklist
- Level 1 Vascular Access and Infusion Management: Assessment, Care and Maintenance
Site Specific
- Honeywell Personal Staff Alert Device Operation (any mental health care site)
- Prevention and Intervention in Crisis Situations (any mental health care site)
- Eliminating Abuse and Neglect in Long Term Care (Mount Hope only)
- Suicide Risk Assessment (program dependent - check the Required Learning Chart by Student Role)
Please refer to the email you received from Lawson Health and Safety for instructions on what training to complete.
You are required to complete your training before your research placements/positions begin.
Lawson Research Required Learning
SECTION A – Hospital Mandated Training:
- Behaviour Safety Alert
- Civility in the Workplace
- Cybersecurity
- Donning and Doffing of Surgical Masks (video)
- Emergency Colour Codes
- Emergency Eye Wash and Safety Showers
- Fire Safety and Extinguishers
- Honeywell Personal Staff Alert Device Operation (if you are given a device)
- Infection Control Core Competency: Hand Hygiene
- Infection Control Core Competency: Routine Practices
- Infection Control Core Competency: Additional Precautions
- Influenza Prevention
- Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention
- Privacy and Confidentiality
- Sharps Safety
- Slips, Trips and Falls
- Workplace Violence Prevention
Western certificates (OWL) accepted for the training below:
- Occupational Health and Safety Awareness Training
- Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
SECTION B – Basic Research Training & Documents/Policies
- Preventing Falls and Injuries - Non-clinical
- The Canadian Biosafety Standard (CBS) Second Edition
- Working Safely with Chemicals
Western certificates (OWL) accepted for the training below:
SECTION C – Clinical Research Specific Training & Documents/Policies
- Standard Operating Procedures for Clinical Research
- TCPS2 (Tri-Council Policy Statement 2)
Create your own account and login. Your affiliation should be with Lawson Health Research Institute.
Additional training if you have patient contact:
SECTION D – Additional Documents/Policies
Review if you are 25 years of age or under:
- Ontario Ministry of Labour information and tip sheets:
- Young Workers on the Job information or you can also download
SECTION E - Additional Training
- Please refer to the Lawson Compliance Waiver
SECTION F - Additional Training Part 2
Do not complete this training unless assigned by Lawson Health and Safety