Website Accessibility
If you experience any difficulty in using St. Joseph's Health Care London's website please contact:
Web Producer
519 646-6100 ext. 64643
We can also provide any of the website content in an alternate format to suit your needs, please contact us.
Accessibility Statement
We have undertaken to use our knowledge and understanding of the ways in which different people access the Internet, to develop a web site that is clear and simple for everybody to use.
We hope that your experience with St. Joseph's website is efficient and enjoyable
St. Joseph's works to ensure that all users, regardless of their technical set-up or disabilities, can access the information provided on
To achieve that goal, our web developers followed the standards established by the World Wide Web Consortium - WC3.
Our website are designed to meet and exceed the basic level of accessibility set by the W3C and required by both Federal and Provincial governments for public websites (known as WCAC 2.0 level AA).
These accessibility standards have been incorporated into the coding of these templates to ensure a greater degree of future-proofing of the site. These additional standards include key items such as using cascading style sheets to separate content from design/structure, providing an alternative print style sheet, colour and usability enhancements.
Throughout development, these templates have been checked for accessibility compliance from both an automatic and a manual checkpoint perspective to ensure that they meet known legislated and recommended standards.