Our Foundation

Dr. Brackstone caring for patient

Charitable Registration Number: 11918 3390 RR0001

We are committed to giving our donors a personally fulfilling giving experience, confident that they are improving the lives of people touched by St. Joseph’s care, teaching and research. We do this by investing in healthcare innovation and discovery that would otherwise not be possible at St. Joseph's.

We care deeply about our donors. That’s why we are proud to meet Imagine Canada’s Standards Program and Financial Accountability Code of Conduct. It’s part of our commitment to you when we say your donation matters here

We are governed by a Board of Directors who oversee the work of the Foundation. Our directors are joined by a team of community volunteers to oversee financial performance, donor stewardship, investment activity, allocations and fundraising.

Over the years, people like you have helped us achieve some incredible results for health care. Take a moment to learn more about the exciting achievements our donors have made possible. You can read more about the impact donors have on care, teaching and research at St. Joseph's in our Community Stewardship Report.


To inspire community investment in healthcare excellence at St. Joseph’s.


Transforming healthcare through the power of giving.


We believe in:

  • Doing right
  • Creating impact
  • Giving thanks

Statement on Belonging, Dignity and Justice

As our organization continues its own journey of learning and deeper understanding, we are committed the principles of belonging, dignity and social justice. Every member of our community has a place of value and dignity in our organization.  We will continue to strive to eliminate inequity and systemic barriers to participation.  

St. Joseph’s Health Care Foundation will endeavor to develop competence, formal policies and structures to culturally embed these important principles into our operational and physical environments.  

Our commitment is rooted in our organization’s values which include 'doing right', and further inspired by the traditions of inclusion and social justice of our founders, the Sisters of St. Joseph.

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