Allergy and Immunology Program - Care Team

Dr. Samira Jeimy

Dr. Jeimy completed medical school and internal medicine residency at the University of Toronto, followed by clinical immunology and allergy fellowship at Western University. She completed PhD studies in platelet immunology at McMaster University, supported by a Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Banting and Best Doctoral Award. She is board certified in internal medicine (FRCPC, ABIM), and in clinical immunology and allergy (FRCPC). 

In addition to seeing patients at St. Joseph's Hospital, Dr. Jeimy is an assistant professor at Western University. 

Her research interests include food and drug allergy. Her medical advocacy efforts include allergy education through social media (@drsamirajeimy) and collaborations including with the “Focused COVID Communications” group, which creates patient-centred educational resources.

Dr. Harold Kim

Dr. Kim graduated from medicine at Western University and completed his training in allergy and clinical immunology in London. He is an associate professor at Western and assistant clinical professor at McMaster University.

Dr. Kim is the past president of the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology and past president of the Canadian Network of Respiratory Care. He practices in Kitchener, London and Clinton.

Dr. Mark Kuprowski

Dr. Kuprowski completed his undergraduate studies and graduate studies at Western University before doing his medical degree at the University of Toronto. He completed his internal medicine training at McMaster University and his clinical immunology training at Western University.

In addition to seeing patients at St. Joseph’s Hospital, he is an assistant professor at Western.

Dr. Rongbo Zhu

Dr. Zhu completed his medical school training at Western University and his internal medicine residency at the University of Toronto. He completed his subspecialty training in Clinical Immunology and Allergy at Western University with additional training focusing on immunodeficiency at SickKids in Toronto.

Dr. Zhu is board certified in Internal Medicine (FRCPC, ABIM), and in Clinical Immunology and Allergy (FRCPC, ABAI). 

At Western University, he is an assistant professor, the Immunodeficiency Lead for Clinical Immunology and Allergy, and Program Director for Clinical Immunology and Allergy.

His areas of interest include virtual medicine and immunodeficiency. 

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