Family Medical and Dental Centre - Contact Details


Family Medical and Dental Centre

346 Platt’s Lane
London, ON N6G 1J1


Family Medical: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 8 am – 8 pm,  Tuesday and Friday: 8 am – 4 pm
We occasionally run Saturday clinics from 10 am – 1 pm. Please call us to inquire.

Dental Clinic: Monday – Friday: 8 am – 5 pm  

Primary Care Diabetes Support Program: Monday – Friday, 8 am – 4 pm

We are closed on statutory holidays.

Phone numbers:

Phones are answered from 9 am - 5 pm.

Family Medical: 519 672-9660

Dental Clinic: 519 646-6022

Primary Care Diabetes Support Program: 519 646-6000 ext. 67268

Fax numbers:

Family Medical: 519 672-7727

Dental Clinic: 519 432-6527

Primary Care Diabetes Support Program: 519 645-6961

Family Medical After Hours Clinic

The Family Medical Centre offers evening clinic hours to the centre's patients on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5 pm to 8 pm. No appointment necessary. The centre is also open on certain Saturdays from 10 am to 1 pm. Please call the clinic to inquire further. Please call to book an appointment. Don't forget to bring your health card. Provide 24-hours notice for cancellations.

Mailing address:

St. Joseph’s Health Care London
Family Medical and Dental Centre
P.O. Box 5777, Stn B
London, ON  N6A 4V2


Paid parking is available, review a map of parking spaces at St. Joseph's Family Medical and Dental Centre.

Parking rates

Paid parking is available for patients at visitors at St. Joseph's Family Medical and Dental Centre. A park-and-display machine is located in the parking area at the front of the building.

Parking rates are $4 minimum and $2/hr to a maximum of $8.50

Visitors must display their parking receipt on the dash of their vehicle as proof of payment to avoid receiving a ticket. 

NOTE: The machine takes coins only. A change machine is located in the waiting room inside the building. Visitors must display their parking receipt on the dash of their vehicle as proof of payment to avoid receiving a ticket. 

To ensure our patients, visitors, staff and physicians have adequate parking, the City of London is enforcing parking regulations across all of St. Joseph’s sites. All users of our parking facilities are asked to pay attention to parking regulations and how you park your vehicle. As well, those who park for more than 10 minutes in patient drop-off designated areas, in handicapped parking without a permit, at loading docks, and other restricted areas will also find their vehicles being ticketed.

Your respect those using our parking lots is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions please contact Precise Park Link by phoning 1-888-783 PARK (7275) or email  @email.

Public transport to St. Joseph's Family Medical and Dental Centre

Contact the London Transit Commission at 519 451-1347 for rates or see their trip planner and route schedules online. The following London Transit bus routes serve St. Joseph's Family Medical and Dental Centre, and drop riders off near the main entrance:

  • 9 Whitehills
  • 33 Proudfoot
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