Geriatric Psychiatry Program - Services

Ambulatory Services

Geriatric Psychiatry Ambulatory Clinic (GPAC)

The Geriatric Psychiatry Ambulatory Clinic serves patients with complex late-life mental health and addictions needs who are 65 years of age or older or those under 65 with an existing diagnosis of young onset dementia. The program, provides in-person clinic consultation on focused geriatric concerns where the patient does not require a multidisciplinary approach.

Discharge Liaison Team

The Discharge Liaison Team facilitates the transition of current inpatients or registered outpatients undergoing transition from hospital to Long-Term Care Homes.


The outreach service provides community-based follow-up and ongoing monitoring to older patients in their place of residence.

Staff work directly with the patient, including the provision of medication, psychosocial rehabilitation, assessment of activities of daily living and communication with the family physician.

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