Mental Health Care - Services

Adult Ambulatory: Outpatient Consultation and Collaborative Care

Adult Ambulatory Services provide assistance to adults who struggle with complex and severe mental health issues as an alternative to inpatient care. This team also offers education and consultation services to health care providers in the region. The services may be considered an alternative to inpatient care. A flexible team of professionals provide a wide range of services depending on the needs of the patients. Supports include adherence strategies/ medication management, functional assessment, psychotherapy, outreach and cognitive behavioural rehabilitation. The team is available to provide consultation services to other St. Joseph’s programs and external agencies.

Assertive Community Treatment (ACT teams)

Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Teams provide specialized intensive community-based services to adults living with severe, complex and persistent mental illness between the ages of 18 and 65.

ACT clinicians are specially trained to support clients in regaining a healthy, meaningful and fulfilling place in their community. The team can be made of up of psychiatrists, nurses, occupational therapists, recreation therapists, social workers, vocational counsellors, and addictions counsellors. Team members offer comprehensive treatment, support and rehabilitation to enable individuals to fully reintegrate into the community of their choice. 

St. Joseph's Health Care London manages seven ACT teams across Southwestern Ontario, covering London-Middlesex, Elgin and Oxford Counties. 

Services include but are not limited to:

  • Medication management
  • Activities of daily living support
  • crisis planning and intervention
  • Health and wellness education
  • Help with addiction issues
  • Employment support
  • Education support
  • Recreational opportunities

ACT uses proven therapeutic principles and approaches with the following key goals:

  • Achieve better control of symptoms
  • Increase housing stability
  • Enhance social and family supports
  • Promote independence
  • Decrease time spent in hospital
  • Improve quality of life
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