Post-Acute COVID-19 Program

Please note:  Referrals to the Post-Acute COVID-19 Program will no longer be accepted as of August 3, 2024.

What is Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome? 

COVID-19 affects each individual differently. While most people who contract COVID-19 recover within 1- 4 weeks, others have long-lasting symptoms. Post-acute COVID-19 Syndrome (PACS) is characterized by the persistence of symptoms beyond four weeks from the onset of acute symptoms, that cannot be explained by any other conditions.

PACS typically presents in a cluster of symptoms often overlapping one another and can fluctuate and change over time. Although COVID-19 was first believed to be a respiratory disease, we now know it is a multi-system disorder, meaning it can affect any part of the body.

PACS symptoms most commonly include, but are not limited to:

  • extreme fatigue that is often made worse with minimal activity (i.e. showering, cleaning, walking the dog, etc.)
  • brain fog / difficulty with memory and concentration
  • cough
  • shortness of breath / breathing challenges
  • chest pain / palpitations
  • dizziness / balance issues
  • headache
  • muscle weakness / joint pain
  • mood changes and other mental health challenges

PACS-like conditions have also occurred after other viral infections, such as influenza, SARS, or Lyme disease, but to a lesser extent. Unfortunately, we do not know why some people are more affected than others, nor is the exact cause known.

What we offer 

St. Joseph’s Post-Acute COVID-19 Program (PACP) assists people who have recovered from COVID-19 but continue to suffer from ongoing symptoms of the virus. Our program provides individualized assessment of patients’ symptoms and customizes their treatment and rehabilitation to meet their specific needs. Patients will benefit from a multidisciplinary approach from our team which includes physicians from respirology and internal medicine, a nurse practitioner, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech-language pathologist, and a social worker. The PACP focuses on creating an individualized treatment plan to help patients develop the tools and skills they require to manage their symptoms and support a return to meaningful daily activities.  Learn more in our ‘What to Expect’ section.

Location – one service on two sites

Patients may be seen in two locations, depending on their needs. All patients are medically reviewed at the St. Joseph’s Hospital site.  After their initial assessment by the physician or nurse practitioner, patients who may benefit from rehabilitation are seen at Parkwood Institute The program team works together with each patient to plan and coordinate their care throughout their recovery journey.

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