Neurobehavioural Rehabilitation Centre (NRC)

The 5-bed residential component of the Neurobehavioural Rehabilitation Program serves participants with an acquired brain injury and high care needs including significant behavioural problems and/or cognitive and mental health issues that severely interfere with their ability to benefit from traditional rehabilitation programs or community reintegration.

The typical length of stay varies from four to six weeks for an assessment and, depending on participant needs and goals, longer for treatment stays.

Program offerings

We offer:

  • One-to-one staffing ratios
  • Full range of rehabilitation services
  • Education and training support for families/caregivers and community service providers
  • Individual treatment planning to meet participants' needs and goals
  • A comprehensive rehabilitation program which includes a balance of activities of daily living, therapies, leisure and recreational pursuits
  • Individualized plan to transition to the community

Our catchment area encompasses the 10 counties of Southwestern Ontario: Bruce, Essex, Elgin, Grey, Huron, Kent, Lambton, Middlesex, Oxford, Perth.

Our outreach program, working in partnership with local service providers, offers community-based behavioural assessment, consultation, support, training and education to survivors, their families and providers.

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