Areas of Care

Showing 11 - 20 of 39 results

Family Medical and Dental Centre

Find contact information, hours and directions and please see the construction notice before visiting. The St. Joseph’s Family Medical and Dental Centre provides comprehensive health care with a patient-centered focus. The centre partners with the Western University's Schulich School of Medicine and...

Family Resource Centre and Family Advisory Council

Area of Care
Contact Us “As we often say, there are really only eight kinds of people affected by mental disorder. It’s a very small list, but we all know someone on it: someone’s mother, daughter, sister or wife; someone’s father, brother, husband or son.” ~ Julia Nunes and Scott Simmie Beyond Crazy, Journeys...

Fitness Centre

The Parkwood Fitness Centre has been providing access to adaptive and guided physical activity to community members with mobility impairments and physical disabilities for over 20 years. Accessible physical activity and fitness is important for improving function, quality of life, and independence...

Long-Term Ventilator Care

Area of Care
Long-term mechanical ventilation The Complex Care Program at Parkwood lnstitute provides a clinical setting for patients requiring long-term mechanical ventilation (LTV). There are six beds within the Complex Care Program that can be used for the residential care of “medically stable” ventilator...

Mental Health Care

At St. Joseph’s we are committed to helping individuals with mental illness achieve their personal goals while supporting the patient’s family/support network. Our vision at St. Joseph’s is to earn complete confidence in the care we provide and to make a lasting difference in the quest to live fully...

Dual Diagnosis Program

Area of Care
The Dual Diagnosis Program at Parkwood Institute Mental Health Care serves adults between the ages of 18 and 64 who are living with both a mental illness and developmental delay, through inpatient, outpatient and outreach services. The 12-bed inpatient unit provides specialized assessment, treatment...

Geriatric Psychiatry Program

Area of Care
The Geriatric Psychiatry Program provides specialized inpatient and outpatient care to aging clients who suffer from late onset mental illnesses or severe behavioural responses. The program focuses on assessment, treatment, rehabilitation, prevention, family/community support and education. The team...

Treatment and Rehabilitation Program

Area of Care
The Mental Health Care Treatment and Rehabilitation Program at Parkwood Institute provides both inpatient and outpatient care for individuals aged 18 and older who have severe, persistent and complex mental illness that have not fully responded to treatment. Services include assessment and...

Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Program

The Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Unit is a 20-bed inpatient unit located in Parkwood lnstitute Main Building. The program is designed to meet the rehabilitation needs of those with complex musculoskeletal problems requiring an inpatient, interdisciplinary approach. All referred patients require...

Neurobehavioural Rehabilitation Centre (NRC)

Area of Care
The 5-bed residential component of the Neurobehavioural Rehabilitation Program serves participants with an acquired brain injury and high care needs including significant behavioural problems and/or cognitive and mental health issues that severely interfere with their ability to benefit from...