DocTalks is a series of community health lectures and podcast featuring physicians and researchers at St. Joseph's Health Care London. Learn from the experts how St. Joseph's is tackling the pressing health issues of our time and why it matters to you and your family. Attendance at events is free but guests must register beforehand to reserve their spot. You can RSVP for upcoming DocTalks events by visiting our events page to see what is coming up.
St. Joseph's DocTalks Podcast, is a conversation on what’s new and relevant in the world of Canadian medicine and hospital health care. Each episode features an interview with a health expert to take a dive deep into some of today’s most common health challenges. We invite you to check our DocTalks archive below where you can watch and listen to past lectures and podcast episodes.

Fostering a Health Care System Responsive to Older Adults

What do Medicine, Fermented foods and POOP Have in Common? The Importance of Microbes in Human Health

Playing Musical Chairs: Understanding the Problem and Solutions Related to Homelessness


Theranostic Oncology: A New & Exciting Frontier for Cancer Treatment