Patient Council at Parkwood Institute and Southwest Centre for Forensic Mental Health Care

The Patient Council is a voice for the ongoing improvement of the quality of life and care of people receiving mental health care services at St. Joseph’s Parkwood Institute and Southwest Centre for Forensic Mental Health Care (Southwest Centre).

Who we are

The Patient Council is a group of individuals with lived mental health care experience; including inpatients, outpatients, and former patients, served by St. Joseph’s Mental Health Care Program. Members generously volunteer their time, skills, and experience to serve their peers during various social and educational activities.

The council strives to work in partnership with professional/clinical caregivers to ensure the best possible quality of life and standard of care is available both in the hospital and within the community. 

The Patient Council also has representatives who sit on various hospital committees and projects, to ensure the voice of the patient is included throughout the organization.

What we do

  • Gather information about systemic issues of concern arising in the hospital or any of its affiliated clinics (an issue is systemic if it affects more than one individual)
  • Hold regular monthly meetings
  • Hold weekly social/peer support activities (such as coffee day and the patient drop-in centre)
  • Present issues to staff and administration and collaborate for positive change
  • Represent patients on many of the hospital committees, ensuring the patient point-of-view is heard in planning and policy-making
  • Act as an on-going resource to patients and staff alike
  • Participate in the Ontario Association of Patient Councils, which brings Patient Councils together and works for change at the provincial level
  • Strive to erase the stereotypes and discrimination associated with mental illness through education of patients, families, caregivers, and the general public
  • Publish a monthly newsletter called the Patient’s Voice that is written for and by patients of St. Joseph’s Mental Health Care

To support the Patient Council services and the work we do, the Patient Council chooses two members to coordinate its work and projects to communicate with staff and administration. They also have a facilitator.

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