Required learning for research students

You may not be required to complete all the training on this page.
Please refer to the email you received from Lawson Health and Safety for instructions on what training to complete.
You are required to complete your training before your research placements/positions begin.

SECTION A – Hospital Mandated Training:

Western certificates (OWL) accepted for the training below:

SECTION B – Basic Research Training & Documents/Policies

Western certificates (OWL) accepted for the training below:

SECTION C – Clinical Research Specific Training & Documents/Policies

Additional training if you have patient contact:

SECTION D – Additional Documents/Policies

Review if you are 25 years of age or under:

  • Ontario Ministry of Labour information and tip sheets:
SECTION E - Additional Training
  • Please refer to the Lawson Compliance Waiver
SECTION F - Additional Training Part 2

Do not complete this training unless assigned by Lawson Health and Safety

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