Diabetes Education Centre - Services

Diabetes education classes

We are here to help you. Our multidisciplinary team consists of: certified diabetes educators; registered nurses and registered dietitians; nurse practitioners; pharmacists; social workers; spiritual care workers; secretaries; and endocrinologists.

We work closely together to provide optimum and individualized care in both groups and one-on-one appointments.

All classes require a referral from a primary care provider (family physician) to the Diabetes Education Centre.

See the referral form for the Diabetes Education Centre.

If you have questions regarding referrals, please phone the Diabetes Education Centre.

Pump info class

If you are seriously considering an insulin pump, attend this class to learn about the various insulin pumps available, the minimum criteria and the Ministry of Health’s (Assistive Devices Program), and hear the experiences of an individual who wears an insulin pump.

Pre-pump class

The first of two classes to get you started once you have your insulin pump.
The pre pump class covers information about the different tubing and injector devices, what pump supplies to order, site selection and insulin doses for the pump, preparing a pump emergency kit, and the required blood glucose monitoring.  A review of hypoglycemia treatment, hyperglycemia protocol and DKA prevention is also covered.

Pump start class

At the end of this class, you will go home with your insulin pump programmed and inserted.  This class will teach you how to navigate through the various menu options in the pump and have you program your basal rates. You will prepare your pump for use and insert it with the injector device you select.  Key features of the pump including suspending your pump and running temporary basal rates will be discussed so you will have the information needed to go home safely.

Advanced features of the pump are covered in separate classes.

Pump management class

Get the most out of your pump by learning to use the advanced features including Bolus Wizard, temporary basals, patterns for weekends or sports, capture events, using the sensor and CareLink.

Minimed 670G Continuous Glucose Monitoring System

This class is for people planning to wear the Medtronic sensor and transition to auto mode. It will help you understand the difference between sensor glucose and meter glucose readings, learn how to insert the sensor, know when and how to calibrate and how to program your personalized sensor settings.

You will learn about how the automated basal feature works and what to expect when operating your pump in auto mode.

Classes on living healthy with type 2 diabetes
  • Getting Started (3 hours)
    What is diabetes?
    What causes diabetes?
    Blood sugar monitoring and targets
    Benefits of physical activity
    Healthy eating basics
    Meal planning strategies
  • Taking Charge (3 hours)
    Factors affecting blood sugars
    Complications of diabetes
    Carbohydrate counting
    Introduction to label reading
    Heart healthy eating
  • Reviewing Medications (2.5 hours)
    Diabetes medications
    Hypoglycemia and driving guidelines
    Medications affecting blood sugars
    Over-the-couner and herbal medications
    Sick day management
    Special considerations
    Other medications commonly used by people with diabetes
  • Moving Forward (1.5 hours)
    'Exercise is medicine'  - physical activity for health and wellness
    Pre-activity screening - general health questions and a brief medical assessment
    Overview of the 12-week Diabetes Fitness and Lifestyle Program, including sessions at the YMCA

    View a video about the 12-week supervised fitness and lifestyle program held at the downtown YMCA and hear what a patient has to say about the experience.
Tune-up class

A group session held 6 to 12 months after the Living Healthy with Type 2 Diabetes classes to review and update information important for your diabetes management. 

Some of the topics that will be discussed are: blood glucose checking, medications, weight management, activity and meal plan review. 

Advanced carb counting

Learn to accurately determine the carbohydrate content of foods and match carbs with your insulin. This class is for all individuals on MDI (multiple daily injections of insulin) and is recommended for those considering an insulin pump.

Heart health

Learn about blood fats and how to modify your lifestyle choices to lower your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Topics discussed include food fat terminology, lowering salt intake, reading food labels to make heart healthy choices and incorporating activity into your lifestyle.

City-wide diabetes nurse educator

The city-wide diabetes nurse educator will travel to and support all sites associated with St. Joseph's Health Care London and London Health Sciences Centre.

Contact Number: 519 658-8500 ext. 35142
or pager 519 685-8500 ext. 16312

Citywide hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 13:00 – 16:30
(Excludes stat holidays)

Home base is the Diabetes Education Centre at St Joseph’s Health Care London.

Contact number: 519 661-1600
Fax: 519 661-1634

Reasons for referral

  1. Patients with newly diagnosed type 1 or type 2 diabetes:
    Teach survival skills: e.g., meter education, acceptable glucose values, insulin initiation, prevention and treatment of hypoglycemia
  2. Patients with established diabetes:
    Assist with acute care needs: e.g., insulin initiation and other changes in medication regimens, education surrounding admissions for ketoacidosis
  3. Assessment of follow-up options:
    • Act as liaison for the Diabetes Education Centre
    • Collaborate with dietitian, CCAC, social work and physician etc.
    • Provide contact information and facilitate referral process for out of town diabetes educators and education centers (provincially, nationally)

The city-wide diabetes nurse educator is also responsible for:

  1. Providing inservices on topics pertinent to nursing units as requested: e.g., diabetes overview, diabetes and kidney disease, new insulin analogues and insulin adjustments, clinical practice guidelines, pens, meters etc.
  2. Orchestrating survival skill teaching by staff nurses for inpatients as indicated: e.g., diabetes binder on each unit with educational material to assist staff with after hours or weekend needs on unit
  3. Developing partnerships with other hospital programs: e.g., LHSC Renal Care Program.
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