Medical Imaging: Radiology (X-Ray)

General Radiology/Radiography or x-ray uses x-rays passed through your body to create a picture of internal structures of your body. These images are used to identify disease or injury.

Please note: St. Joseph’s Medical Imaging Program does not accept walk-ins for imaging, including general x-ray. All patients require a referral and an appointment to be seen. 

What is digital tomosynthesis?

Digital tomosynthesis is a specialized x-ray exam where the x-ray tube moves over the patient in an arc of 20 to 40 degrees, taking a series of pulsed exposures.

The computer reconstructs the x-rays into a series of images at various depths within the body. It is similar to a CT scan but delivers a much lower x-ray dose. The dose is more than one x-ray exposure but much less than a CT scan.

Digital tomosynthesis is used when your care provider wants to view multiple layers of the structures of your body.

St. Joseph’s digital tomosynthesis services include:

  • Abdominal imaging for kidney stones
  • Orthopedic/skeletal imaging for fractures and or where bones are not properly joined
  • Head (cranial) imaging to look at sinuses, jaw joints (temporomandibular or TM joints), etc.
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