Roth | McFarlane Hand and Upper Limb Centre (HULC) - Before You Arrive

What to bring

Your comfort and well-being is very important to us. Please bring the following with you to help facilitate your appointment:

  • Your valid health card
  • WSIB claim number (if applicable)
  • A current list of medications, allergies and relevant medical conditions
  • Splints, slings or other devices
  • Pertinent information from your referring physician (if applicable) such as documents, x-ray reports, test results
  • Reading material
  • Please bring any medications that you might require the day of your appointment such as pain medication, insulin, antibiotics etc. We are not able to provide medications to patients.

What to wear

Please wear clothing that can be easily removed. You may need x-rays during your appointment. Jewelry must be removed for many x-rays.


For your convenience there is a cafeteria (Café 268) and a Tim Hortons (On The Go) located near our clinic.

Patients requiring assistance or interpretation

Please inform your Physician’s Secretary if you require special assistance. Interpreters can be arranged prior to your visit. Learn more about resources for visitors with disabilities and language services.

Patient safety

If you are ill, please contact your physician’s secretary and rebook your appointment. Please use the waterless cleanser located in the clinic when you enter and leave our area.

For the safety of all, St. Joseph’s Hospital is a scent-free environment.


Detailed, printable, turn-by-turn directions to HULC.

Learn more about parking at St. Joseph's Hospital.

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If you provide your contact information, we will be able to respond and help you find the information you are seeking or other support through our website.

Personal information is collected under the authority of the Public Hospitals Act R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER P.40 for the purpose of contacting the sender in response to an inquiry. If you have questions about the collection of this information, please contact a Privacy and Freedom of Information Consultant, Mount Hope Centre for Long Term Care, 21 Grosvenor Street, Room WB31, London Ontario, N6A 1Y6. Phone: 519-646-6100 ext. 64545.