Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Program - What To Expect

Domestic violence

Domestic violence can include physical, emotional, financial, and sexual abuse as well as intimidation, isolation and threats.

We see anyone who has experienced domestic violence at any time in their lives.

Sexual assault

Sexual assault means any form of sexual activity done to a person without consent.  It does not always involve physical violence and is often committed by someone known to the individual.

We see individuals of all ages who have experienced known or suspected sexual assault/abuse within the past year.

For people seeking support at the Regional Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Program, the process and the choices may be unclear or overwhelming. This video shows what to expect when seeking care after sexual assault:

Social work

The social workers with the Regional Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Program provide a safe and confidential environment to assist individuals in managing the impact of a sexual assault.

Counselling provides individuals with the opportunity to express their emotions and understand their pathway to healing in the context of trauma recovery. It also empowers them to re-establish themselves as survivors.

  • Program social workers have a Masters of Social Work and are registered with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers.
  • The program does not specify a pre-determined number of sessions. Counselling is covered through OHIP.
  • Counselling services are available to individuals of ages 7 and up who have experienced a sexual assault and/or domestic violence within the past year.
  • With client consent, significant others- parents, friends, partners- can receive support, education and information about trauma.
  • The client does not have to be receiving medical care from the program to be eligible for counseling. Through the program, individuals can be directly referred to the social worker for counseling services.
  • Counselling takes place at St. Joseph’s Hospital in London.
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