Stroke: Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Program - Care Team

Our team consists of physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, speech language pathologists, and physiotherapy/occupational therapy assistants.

  • Physiotherapist – Helps you to improve strength, flexibility and balance so you can move better.
  • Occupational Therapist – Finds ways to make it easier for you to do daily self care such as dressing, using the bathroom and cooking. Also find ways to address organization, memory and vision concerns.
  • Speech Language Pathologist – Helps you address any concerns with communication and speaking and helps with problems swallowing.
  • Social Worker – Provides you and your family with counselling to help everyone cope better and adjust to the changes you have experienced since your stroke.
  • Physiotherapy/Occupational Therapy Assistant – Works closely with you on the recommended programs provided by the physiotherapist and/or occupational therapist.
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