Stroke: Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Program - How To Access

Admission Criteria

Eligibility Criteria

  • Individual's goals are best met by specialized neurological rehabilitation services that cannot be met by other programs 
  • Must be medically stable and have sufficient endurance to participate in time-limited rehabilitation therapies
  • Must have the ability to learn and incorporate self-management strategies to continue therapy within the home environment (caregiver support accepted) 
  • If the individual has barriers to participating in therapy, the team will provide shorter term rehabilitation, focused on specific individualized goals.
  • Must have caregiver support for personal care while attending therapy sessions if required 
  • Individual must have reliable transportation

Exclusion Criteria

  • Individual with orthopedic injury or routine postoperative surgery
  • Individual with unmanaged chronic pain
  • Individuals with spinal cord injury or acquired brain injury
  • Individuals with a brain tumour

Determining Priority Status

Our referrals are triaged as they are received and priority for service will be based on the following guidelines:

  1. Recent discharge from hospital
  2. Swallowing concern
  3. Living alone, or little-to-no supports in the home
  4. Risk of admission to hospital
  5. Mental health concerns
  6. Caregiver burnout
  7. At a risk of falling or other safety considerations
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