A lifetime of helping others

Caroline and the late Rodney Hancock have improved the community through volunteerism and philanthropy
Rodney and Caroline Hancock at a restaurant in Hawaii
Rodney and Caroline Hancock at a restaurant in Hawaii

Caroline Hancock and her late husband Rodney have a close connection with St. Joseph’s that goes back decades. All five of their children were born here, and they’re grateful to have access to great health care so close by.

It’s what inspired them to start making gifts to the organization years ago. Together, the couple created a legacy of supporting various causes across the community, including health care and children and youth, both as volunteers and through philanthropy.

Rodney passed away in early 2024 after receiving care for three years for a ruptured brain aneurysm. Since then, Caroline has carried on their tradition of helping people in the community.

Rodney was always a runner, and while working as the CEO of McFarlan Rowlands Insurance Brokers, he started raising funds for St. Joseph’s through the yearly Parkwood Hospital 10km race. He later joined the St. Joseph’s Health Care Foundation Board of Directors, giving the couple a closer look at the care and research taking place inside the hospital.

“As we became more involved, we started to understand in more depth the amount of research happening at St. Joseph’s and how important funding really is,” says Caroline. The couple decided to start making an annual gift to St. Joseph’s to support an important care or research program that could use additional funding.

In 2021, the couple made a donation to help launch the Dr. Robert Teasell Fellowship in Stroke Rehabilitation Care & Research – a project near and dear to their hearts. While he was receiving rehabilitative care after the aneurysm, Rodney met and built relationships with many people who were recovering from a stroke. They saw firsthand how challenging the road to recovery can be after a stroke, and the important need for new research to help improve care.

“When the fellowship came up, we definitely wanted to support it,” Caroline says. “It's a project that will help so many others in the future.”

Members of staff hold stuffed bears
Caroline Hancock's donation of stuffed toys

Caroline continues to make gifts to support needs across St. Joseph’s and other charities. She also volunteers as a member of the Board of Directors for The May Court Club of London, a charity focused on children’s nutrition and mental health. Recently, Caroline and The May Court Club made a thoughtful donation of teddy bears to St. Joseph’s Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Program.

For the entire Hancock family, volunteering and giving back is something they plan to continue doing and a special way to remember Rodney. “Being fortunate enough to help other people is fulfilling,” Caroline says. “I have a profound sense of community and belonging knowing that I may have made a difference in someone's life."

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