Stroke: Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Program

Located at Parkwood Institute, the Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Program (CORP) is a time-limited, outpatient rehabilitation program that delivers individual or group therapy for those recovering from stroke or other neurological conditions. CORP uses a hybrid model of both in-person and virtual care.

Types of Services

CORP: Time-limited outpatient rehabilitation program that delivers individual or group therapy through a team approach using a hybrid model of both in person and virtual. Disciplines include physiotherapist, occupational therapist, social worker, and speech language pathologist. 

Outpatient Services

Short Term Service

  • Patients are provided between one and four sessions in total, for each type of therapy
  • May include assessment and education, exercise/therapy programs, trialing equipment, patient resources, and helping individuals return to community activities
  • Team members will provide consultation to family and/or caregivers if the patient does not have decision making capacity
  • Team provides neuro rehabilitation expertise and collaborates with the patient’s other health care providers

Active Rehabilitation

  • Patients are provided between 60 and 90 days of rehabilitation services, with an average of two or three scheduled therapy sessions per week
  • Therapy is individualized to meet each patient’s specific needs, goals and progress
  • Team members will work together with families and/or caregivers to support continuity of care, if the patient does not have decision making capacity
  • Team provides neuro rehabilitation expertise and collaborates with the patient’s other health care providers.
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