Iylah and Dr. MacDougal

Championing inclusive classrooms

Creating safe and inclusive schools, where students can celebrate their individuality, is part of a new, local research project called Queer in the Classroom. The project focuses on professional development for teachers and staff to assist them in creating an environment tailored to best support...
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Naomi and Chris with eco friendly masks

Stepping up for the planet

When the COVID-19 pandemic swept in, so did a global surge of microplastic waste with burgeoning use of medical masks. In fact, face mask litter is considered one of the most damaging fallouts of the pandemic worldwide. Wanting to address this environmental toll, St. Joseph’s Health Care London (St...
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Fanshwae students Chieh-Lin Huang and Pablo Jimenez-Lopez

Upgrading with style

Hospital gift shops are not usually considered hip places to hang out, but a group of students from Fanshawe College’s Fashion Marketing and Management Program (FMMP) is changing that perception with some trendy transformations at St. Joseph’s Health Care London (St. Joseph’s). While the...
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Engineering a better tomorrow

From the classroom to the real-world, Western University engineering students recently teamed up with staff from St. Joseph’s Parkwood Institute to design medical devices that help solve present-day patient care issues. The first-year engineering students are part of an innovative course offered at...
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Dr. Adam Dukelow

A lifelong passion to serve and a focus on family

When asked why he became a physician, Dr. Adam Dukelow’s face lights up. His answer is brief, but filled with meaning, “to serve people.” Read below to learn more about St. Joseph’s new Vice President Medical and Academic Affairs and his plans for the role. When did you first know you wanted to be a...
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Kersten and her care team

From fear to freedom

“The first emotion I remember feeling was fear. I was 5 or 6 years old and I had surgery to put tubes in my ears. That was my first conscious memory and fear ended up being at the centre of most of my life,” recalls 38-year-old Kersten as she sits in her living room surrounded by her baseball cap...
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