Primary Care Diabetes Support Program - What To Expect

Program highlights for patients

  • Individualized assessment, diabetes care planning and support to enable patients to become diabetes self-managers.
  • Help for patients to access the resources they need to manage their diabetes effectively.
  • Ongoing medical, educational and interdisciplinary team support delivered through individual and group appointments, both in person and virtually.
  • E-mail and telephone support for helping you manage your blood sugars.
  • Compassion, understanding and a personalized approach to care.
  • Pre and post-operative bariatric surgery support for diabetes patients.
  • Specialized diabetic foot ulcer prevention and management program imbedded in our team.

Who we support and what you can expect

Living with diabetes can be challenging. Having additional life stressors can make diabetes feel like an impossible balancing act. 

Our innovative Multidisciplinary Team works with our clients to plan and achieve realistic diabetes management goals.  Together we can ensure you maximize your strengths and minimize the challenges so that you can keep your life with diabetes in balance and  become the best diabetes self-manager.
Our Team sees clients with diabetes who also have additional challenges to managing their diabetes including:

  • No family doctor or other primary care provider
  • Economic hardship
  • Language barriers
  • Social isolation
  • Mental illness
  • Complex medical issues


For health care professionals

The Primary Care Diabetes Support Program provides shared care, learn more about what health care professionals can expect working with the Primary Care Diabetes Support Program (PDF download).

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