Areas of Care

Showing 51 - 60 of 77 results

Peripheral Nerve Clinic

The Peripheral Nerve Program is a program that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of complex nerve trauma. The goal of treatment is to maximize function, improve pain management and help to provide the best quality of life possible. The program exemplifies the strong tradition of clinical...

Post-Acute COVID-19 Program

What is Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome? COVID-19 affects each individual differently. While most people who contract COVID-19 recover within 1- 4 weeks, others have long-lasting symptoms. Post-acute COVID-19 Syndrome (PACS) is characterized by the persistence of symptoms beyond four weeks from the...

Prescription Shop (Pharmacy/Drugstore)

Find contact details and hours of operation for the Prescription Shop Our pharmacists are pleased to offer personal, private consultation on all prescriptions to ensure you receive the maximum benefit from your medication. We accept all government and major private prescription drug plans. All...

Primary Care Diabetes Support Program

Located at the St. Joseph’s Family Medical and Dental Centre, the Primary Care Diabetes Support Program provides diabetes support and management for individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes who don't have a family doctor. The program also supports those dealing with various challenges that make...

Regional Acquired Brain Injury Program

The Regional Acquired Brain Injury Outpatient Program at St. Joseph's Health Care London's Parkwood Institute provides care for patients with brain injuries through outpatient and outreach services across the South West LHIN region. This includes patients with mild, moderate and severe brain...


Rehabilitation programs and services provided at Parkwood Institute: Acquired Brain Injury (ABI): Inpatient Unit Acquired Brain Injury (ABI): Outpatient/Outreach Amputee Rehabilitation Program Driving Assessment Programs at Parkwood lnstitute Fitness Centre Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Program...

Rheumatology Centre

The Rheumatology Centre at St. Joseph’s Hospital is an outpatient facility specializing in the research and treatment of autoimmune and inflammatory conditions that commonly affect the body’s musculoskeletal system (bones, joints, tendons).

Roth | McFarlane Hand and Upper Limb Centre (HULC)

We provide quality specialized orthopedic and plastic medical and surgical care for our community and region with a focus on disorders of the upper extremities and we train future medical professionals, including orthopedic and plastic surgeons, emergency room and other physicians, nurses...