Return to School Program (RTS) 

What is the Return to School Program (RTS)?

After a concussion or mTBI, some people find it hard to get back to life and to school. The RTS Group Program teaches students to manage their concussion and mild brain injury symptoms.

Specific strategies are taught in a seven-week module based program focused on:

  • Understanding the injury
  • Social communication
  • Reading
  • Technology
  • Study skills
  • Writing
  • A final review session

Strategies and skills are presented in a hands-on group format designed to simulate a classroom setting. Each session is two hours and attendance is mandatory.

Download the RTS program brochure.

Learn more about our outpatient and inpatient acquired brain injury programs.

Who we serve

  • Individuals who have had a mild brain injury/concussion
  • Students attending school, or those planning to return to school in the near future (secondary or post-secondary education)
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  • Innovation Matters Here.

    We strive for the best care through knowledge. 

    Dr. Viraj Mehta