Staff with girl guide cookies

Thinking outside the box

Without a doubt, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought uncertainty, anxiety and concern around the globe. But it has also created sweet moments of opportunity, generosity and gratitude. Girl Guides of Canada thought outside of the box – quite literally – and found a new and clever way to sell the...
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Dr. Irene Hramiack

A Master among us

Congratulations to Dr. Irene Hramiak, St. Joseph’s endocrinologist and Lawson Health Research Institute scientist, who has been awarded a 2020 Mastership from the American College of Physicians (ACP)...
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James Telfor

Designing his future

When James Telfer was asked several years ago by his endocrinologist at St. Joseph’s Hospital for a loan of his creative design talents, he was happy to oblige. The request was for a special medal to be presented each year to patients with insulin-dependent diabetes who reach 50 years since their...
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Barbara Moscovich wearing the pink colour associated with breast cancer awareness

A lifesaving finding

It was startlingly clear – a tiny bright dot stood out starkly on the grey image. Unseen on every other exam, something was definitively there. It was a lifesaving finding for Barbara Moscovich – a tumour pinpointed using contrast-enhanced mammography at St. Joseph’s Hospital where women are...
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Will Heeman behind the mask

Business is blooming

Every spring, thousands across the Forest City travel to Heeman’s to begin their gardening journey. It’s a sensory experience unlike any other and a local tradition that goes back many decades. It’s also something that the family owned and operated business works hard to make just right. “Our...
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