St. Joseph's Health Care London

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St. Joseph's Health Care London
St. Joseph's Health Care London is one of the most complex health care organizations in Ontario. We partner with London's academic health sciences community to advance health care, education and research. We provide care through a leading teaching hospital and a unique mix of clinical settings across our community. Learn more about our sites:
Dr. Ashlay Huitema
My St. Joseph's
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St. Joseph’s Health Care London is a major patient care, teaching and research centre with multiple locations across the London area.
You Matter Here

St. Joseph's is dedicated to helping people live to their fullest by minimizing the effects of injury, disease and disability, helping individuals to reclaim their health and independence. Through research and innovation, our compassionate care leads to new treatments that improve, extend and save lives.

patient receiving a medical scan

Latest Updates

Ken Fleet’s motto was ‘sing your song’. Whether he was teaching choral and instrumental students at Medway High School, conducting the Amabile Boys and Men’s Choirs, or preparing for national competitions—music fueled his soul. A local music legend and a beloved husband, father, grandpa and brother...
The overnight nurses complete a handover of care to the nurses starting the day-shift – reporting on how patients did overnight – medication is administered, and breakfast is served to patients. By 8:30 am, the unit’s care station is filled with a flurry of activity. The clinical team gathers to...
Following a labyrinth is a spiritual practice that’s good for body, mind and spirit. It leads to increased calm, reduced blood pressure and stress, and improved mental health and well-being, say researchers and patient care experts at St. Joseph’s Southwest Centre for Forensic Mental Health Care...

Upcoming events

Pop up pap drop-in clinic sign
Pop in for a Pap

Back by 'Pap-ular' Demand: Pop-up Pap Test Clinic

In response to overwhelming demand, the Colposcopy Clinic at St. Joseph’s Hospital in London is holding a second Pop-up Pap Test Clinic – no appointment necessary. Women, transmasculine and non-binary people in the London region are invited to this unique drop-in clinic for easy access to cervical...
Where: Colposcopy Clinic at St. Joseph's Hospital
Learn more