Amputee Rehabilitation Program - Care Team

Registered Nurse

Phone: 519-645-400 ext. 41805

Email: @email


Dr. Michael Payne
Dr. Ricardo Viana
Phone: 519-685-4000

Amputee rehabilitation program care team

You are the most important member of the health care team. Other people who will be helping you include your:

Rehabilitation Doctor - (Physiatrist)
Manages your medical care during your stay.

Teaches, supervises, and if necessary, assists you in meeting your daily needs.

Registered Nurse
The nurse clinician is a registered nurse whom arranges all admissions to the amputee program and is available as a resource person.

Makes and fits your artificial limb as prescribed. Provides follow-up maintenance of your artificial limb.

Assists you in becoming independent walking with your artificial limb.

Physiotherapy assistant
Helps the physiotherapist with treatments.

Occupational therapist
Improves your independence in daily activities in the hospital and at home.

Therapeutic recreation specialist
Assists you in returning to your previous leisure lifestyle. Introduces ways of adapting/modifying leisure skills and shares resources specific to amputees.

Provides counselling regarding nutrition issues to improve health.

Dispenses your medication, monitors for any drug-related problems and provides education on medication use.

Social worker
Provides information and supportive to you and your family. Will assist you in applying for funding (for artificial limbs, etc.), if needed.

Portering services
Assists with transportation of patients to appointments with physiotherapy, occupational therapy, therapeutic recreation and social work, as required.

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