Energy Management


St. Joseph’s Health Care London (St. Joseph’s) understands that providing the best quality of patient care includes acting responsibly with energy resources and minimizing the negative impact that the organization has on the environment. It is our vision to consider energy efficiency from the design and construction of new buildings and space through standards such as LEED, to the retrofit of existing buildings and equipment with higher efficiency systems and technology. This practice follows the “First Do No Harm” motto for Canadian Healthcare and helps to protect our patients from the many environmentally sensitive illnesses we treat.

The Team

Energy management at St. Joseph’s is led by Facilities Management in cooperation with London Health Sciences Centre, Honeywell, and other partners. Together, executives, project managers, project consultants, systems analysts and other specialists engage in energy management activities to improve and maintain the economic, environmental, and social sustainability of St. Joseph’s operations.


St. Joseph's Hospital

St. Joseph’s Hospital

St. Joseph’s Hospital continues to expand its role in day and short-stay surgery, ambulatory treatment of complex medical and chronic disease, illness prevention, research and education. Our interdisciplinary teams provide comprehensive assessment, diagnosis, treatment and follow up care through our many programs.



Parkwood Institute main building outside view

Parkwood Institute Main Building

Parkwood Institute Main Building offers complex care, rehabilitation, palliative care, specialized geriatric services and veterans care for both inpatients and outpatients. 




Mount Hope Centre for Long-term Care outside view

Mount Hope Centre for Long Term Care

In a home-like environment, Mount Hope provides comprehensive long-term care centered on the needs of the individual and focused on enhancing independence, choice and personal wellness.



Parkwood Institute Mental Health Care Building outside view

Parkwood Institute Mental Health Care Building

Parkwood Institute Mental Health Care Building offers specialized inpatient, outpatient and community-based mental health care services for individuals with serious mental illness while strengthening community partnerships to help people regain their independence. 



Southwest Centre for Forensic Mental Health Care outside view

Southwest Centre for Forensic Mental Health Care

Southwest Centre for Forensic Mental Health Care, located in Elgin County, is devoted to caring for people with a mental illness who have also come into contact with the criminal justice system. A recovery philosophy of care promotes each individual’s journey of recovery towards community re-integration.