Veterans Care - Care Team

The VCP team includes various health care roles who work together to provide our resident veteran’s care. Residents are assigned a family physician when they are admitted. Our family physicians are typically are on–site weekly and can easily be reached when off-site. The dementia care unit is supported by a dedicated geriatrician. An after-hours on-call process is also in place to support care.

Resident veterans and their caregivers

Our residents and their caregivers are full partners in the care team. 


The director is accountable for the strategic direction and operations of the Veterans Care Program.  


Each care unit has a coordinator who is responsible for the day-to-day operations and the quality of the care provided by the health care team.


Family physicians provide medical care for residents in the Veterans Care Program. Physicians visit residents once per week. If residents need to see a specialty physician for their care, the VCP physician will assist in making a referral. 

Nurse Practitioner (NP)

The NP assesses the health of residents  when they arrive in the VCP. They help identify health issues that need treatment, testing or referral to other health specialists. The NP works with the physicians and other health care team members to review the residents health status regularly. Depending on the unit, the NP may or may not be involved in your care.

a male nursing taking the blood pressure of an elderly man sitting partly upright in a hospital bed in the Veterans Care Program

Nurse educator

The nurse educator provides pre-admission assessments of residents and supports the education of the VCP team.


Our nursing team includes both Registered Nurses (RN) and Registered Practical Nurses (RPN). They support residents with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, using the bathroom and eating. They also assess resident’s health needs and provide treatment as ordered by the physician and nurse practitioner, including medications.

Personal Support Worker (PSW)

Each floor in VCP has PSWs who assist residents with daily care. They may also take residents to appointments within Parkwood Institute. 

Registered dietitians

Provide resident veterans with nutritional care focused on optimizing health and quality of life. The dietitian completes an initial nutrition assessment with residents and helps develop a plan to meet the residents' nutrition needs.

Music Therapist

The music therapist offers residents a variety of group and individual programs. Music therapy promotes wellness, reduces anxiety and stress, alleviates pain and enhances communication.

an occupational therapist helping a veteran learn how to use a mobility scooter

Occupational Therapy Team (OT)

The VCPs occupational therapy team includes occupational therapists (OTs) and occupational therapy assistants (OTAs). OTs help residents optimize their mobility through use of devices such as power wheelchairs and scooters.

They also help residents remain independent with therapies to improve tasks like dressing and washing. OTs also help residents protect their skin and avoid pressure ulcers through ensuring proper positioning in wheelchairs and beds etc.


The pharmacist provides support to all resident veterans for their medication and drug therapy needs. This includes reviewing medications and providing consultation. 

Physiotherapy Team (PT)

The VCP has both physiotherapists (PTs) and physiotherapy assistants (PTAs) on the care team. The physiotherapy team helps residents maximize their physical function.

PTs work with each resident to design an exercise program to meet the resident’s needs. These exercises can focus on improving movement, flexibility, balance, endurance and maximizing independence.

Resident Support Aide

Provides support and assists  team members with resident care, and tasks such as portering, assisting with phone calls, virtual visits and providing individual support during programs.  

Social Work Team

Social workers provide counseling and emotional support to residents and their families. This includes help grief from changes in health. The social service worker provides residents help to access financial assistance.

Speech Language Pathologist (SLP)

The SLP supports residents with swallowing and communication challenges. SLPs can recommend special textures for food and beverages and swallowing exercises to maximize safe swallowing. They  can also obtain individualized communication aids to help veterans communicate.  

Communicative Disorder Aide

This Aide works with the SLP and supports both the team and residents with communication challenges. 

Spiritual Care

Chaplains in the VCP provide support to people from all faith backgrounds and those individuals who do not have any faith association.

an Ecumenical service in the chapel at Parkwood Institute with veterans sitting in the seats

Spiritual care services include providing crisis intervention, end of life care, guidance and support in addressing challenging ethical decisions and life transitions. Spiritual care team members also facilitate prayer and meditation, as well as worship services and other rituals.

Therapeutic Recreation Team

Each care unit has both therapeutic recreation specialists and therapeutic recreation aides dedicated to creating and implementing purposeful recreation and leisure opportunities for residents. These individual and group programs are designed to meet the physical, cognitive, emotional and social needs of residents. 

a veteran working on an art project at a table supervised by an art instructor

Veterans Arts Staff

The Veterans Arts Program offers residents a variety of traditional and contemporary art and craft activities in three studios (textiles, clay, and woodworking) as well as in groups and one-on-one on the floors where the residents live.

Veterans arts staff assist residents with selecting projects and provide instruction and resources to help residents design and complete their projects.  

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    We recognize everyone’s unique needs with respect and compassion.

    Joanne Barker