Veterans Care - Funding Information

The Veterans Care Program (VCP) services are funded federally and the team works closely with Veterans Affairs Canada. For our Veterans who make their home at Parkwood, board and lodging fees are established by VAC. 

For the Operational Stress Injury clinic, VAC, RCMP or the Department of National Defense submit a referral requesting an assessment and/or treatment. These services are covered by these referral sources. 

The VCP also receives support from the St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation and many community partners. We are grateful for the generous support of our donors. Each year the Royal Canadian Legion supports the VCP wish list, providing special items for the veterans to enhance the quality of their life. Donations have supported Camp experience, special equipment (beds, mattresses), special outings (sporting events, theatre), accessible outdoor furniture.

View information about St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation.

Legion Sponsorship Program: The Legion has partnered with the Veterans Care Program to offer an opportunity for a Legion to form a sponsored partnership with the veterans. Benefits of this sponsorship include personalized gifts for the Veteran, visits and a lifetime membership to the Legion including coverage of Legion dues.

Dreams and Wishes: Dreams and Wishes is a program in partnership with the Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary. The Ladies Auxiliary funds this program to grant a personalized wish to the veterans up to 5 wishes per year. Wishes can be submitted by the resident or by staff members to the Dreams and Wishes committee for review and execution. 

The Royal Canadian Legion: The RCL is an impactful and integral supporter of the Veterans Care Program at Parkwood. They donate their time and grant a yearly wish list to the program each year to help enhance the veterans' well-being and quality of life. 

a field of hand-made, oversized bright red poppies placed on the grounds at Parkwood Institute near the cenotaph
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