Patient and resident experience

We are committed to earning complete confidence in the care we provide to our patients and residents.

One way we earn confidence is by asking our patients/residents and their families to provide feedback on their experiences with our care, our facilities and our physicians and staff. We gather this feedback using various survey methods (see below), as well as from comment cards, leaders and staff member input, web submissions, and patient/resident and family council feedback.

While we work to earn 100 per cent satisfaction in all our areas of care, we recognize earning confidence is a process, one that requires investment from us all and led by the needs of our patients.

For our patient surveys, St. Joseph’s Healthcare London began implementation of new survey processes using the Qualtrics Survey platform, in January 2023.

  • Surveys are sent via email to all patients with a visit to patients following a visit to the Urgent Care Centre, or after discharge from inpatient or day surgery (including the Cataract Suite) Rehabilitation, Specialized Geriatric Services and Complex Care Programs
  • Annual surveys for our Veterans Care Program and Mount Hope Centre for Long Term Care include a Resident survey via individual interview as well as a survey to the family or most frequent visitor via email
  • The Ontario Hospital Association is currently developing new surveys for mental health care which will be implemented as soon as they are available

Survey results are reviewed on an ongoing basis, quarterly and/or annually and shared with St. Joseph’s Quality Council and other leadership committees comprised of key staff, physicians, and patient and family representatives. Based on the findings, these councils and committees develop, implement and evaluate initiatives in order to address areas for improvement.

To talk to someone about your care experience, contact our Patient Relations office at: 519-646-6000 ext. 61234. Learn more about contacting patient relations.

Veterans care

The Veterans Care Program provides long term care for Canadian war veterans. We provide care that assists and supports the veteran and his/her family to meet their current and anticipated needs to promote health and enhance their sense of well-being and quality of life.

How are we doing?

Survey results for Veterans Care residents (November 2023):

90.5% responded with “Excellent or Good” when asked to rate the overall quality of care and services (on a scale of Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor or Terrible).

84.4% responded “Yes” when asked if their spiritual or religious needs were met.

97.6% responded “Yes” when asked if staff help you when you need it.

Survey results for family members and significant visitors (March 2024):

100% responded with “Excellent, Very Good or Good” when asked to rate the overall quality of care and services provided (on a scale of Excellent, Good, Fair or Poor).

100% responded “Excellent, Very Good or Good” when asked if St. Joseph’s takes care of their family member’s needs.

100% responded “Excellent, Very Good or Good” when asked if St. Joseph’s maintains their family member's dignity.

Inpatient, cataract and day surgery

A unique ambulatory facility, St. Joseph’s Hospital specializes in minimally invasive same-day and short-stay inpatient surgery.

Our physicians care for patients with:

  • Breast abnormalities
  • Cancer
  • Ear, nose, throat, head, face and neck disorders
  • Eye disease
  • Hand and upper limb conditions
  • Reconstructive plastic surgery
  • Urological disorders
  • Gynecological disorders
  • Dental surgery needs

We also provide patients with comprehensive assessment, diagnosis and follow-up care.

How are we doing?

Survey results for inpatient surgery (October to December 2023):

86.8% responded with a 9 or 10 rating when asked to rate their overall experience (on a 1-to-10 scale).

89.0% responded “Completely” when asked if they had a clear understanding of all their prescribed medications before they left the hospital.

Survey results for day surgery patients (October to December 2023)*:

89.8% responded with a 9 or 10 rating when asked to rate their overall care (on a 1-to-10 scale).

94.0% rated the cleanliness of the day surgery area as “Very Clean”.

94.9% responded “Definitely” when asked if they felt they were treated with respect and dignity while at the hospital.

*These results exclude cataract suite procedures.

Survey results for Cataract patients (October to December 2023):

91.5% responded with a 9 or 10 rating when asked to rate overall care (on a 1-to-10 scale).

97.2% responded “Yes” when asked if they knew who to contact if their symptoms or conditions worsened before their procedure.

97.9% responded “Definitely” when asked if they felt they were treated with respect and dignity while at the hospital.

Mount Hope Centre for Long Term Care

Mount Hope Centre for Long Term Care’s nearly 400 residents represent a variety of cultures, beliefs, backgrounds and ages. In its home-like environment, Mount Hope provides comprehensive long-term care. Each resident collaboratively creates a personalized program, which can include a variety of activities such as art therapy, gardening and local trips.

How are we doing?

Survey results of Mount Hope residents (December 2023):

89.3% responded with “Excellent, Very Good or Good” when asked to rate the overall quality of care and services (on a scale of Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor or Terrible).

76.7% responded “No” when asked if they were ever forced to do things they didn't want to do.

88.6% responded “No” when asked if they felt staff ever take advantage of them in any way.

Survey results of family members and significant visitors (February 2024):

95.1% responded with “Excellent, Very Good or Good” when asked to rate the overall quality of care and services provided (on a scale of Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair or Poor).

97.6% responded “Excellent, Very Good or Good” when asked to rate staff's politeness and courtesy towards them.

Rehabilitation and Specialized Geriatric Services

Our Specialized Geriatric Services (SGS) includes a network of specialty teams in ambulatory, community outpatient and inpatient settings. They work with older adults throughout Southwestern Ontario who are experiencing functional decline, frailty and complex health concerns.

At Parkwood Institute, our rehabilitation program includes inpatient, outpatient and community services for people with an acquired brain injury, amputation, spinal cord injury and stroke or neurological diagnosis.

How are we doing?

Survey results for Rehabilitation, Specialized Geriatric Services, and Complex Care (October to December 2023):

77.3% responded with a 9 or 10 rating when asked to rate their hospital stay (on a 1-to-10 scale).

55.6% responded “Completely” when asked if they had enough information about what to do if worried about their condition or treatment after you left the hospital.

Urgent Care Centre

The Urgent Care Centre (UCC) at St. Joseph’s Hospital offers assessment, diagnostic services and treatment for those with a non-life-threatening illness or injury (e.g., fever, earaches or broken bones) who need immediate care. Our UCC registered nurses and physicians are trained in adult and paediatric advanced life support.

How are we doing?

Survey results of urgent care patients (October to December 2023):

63.8% responded with a 9 or 10 rating when asked to rate their overall quality of care (on a 1-to-10 scale).

83.4% responded positively when asked if care providers treated them with courtesy and respect.

To talk to someone about your care experience, contact our Patient Relations office at: 519-646-6000 ext. 61234. Learn more about contacting patient relations.