St. Joseph's Board of Directors

A message to the community from Board Chair Nawaz Tahir

Nawaz Tahir

One of the greatest strengths of our community is that we come together to support those who need us most. That’s why I volunteer with St. Joseph’s Board of Directors. As an organization, St. Joseph’s is committed to collaborating with others and being an anchor organization in tackling some of the most pressing health care needs in London and region. Together, we are partnering to give a voice to the most vulnerable in our community.

Health care is an ever evolving sector and having a solid governance structure with representatives from diverse backgrounds helping to navigate the changing landscape is one way St. Joseph’s is honouring the unique needs of its patients and residents and their caregivers. Our Board of Directors is focused on guiding with humility and fostering a health care system where equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging is ingrained. Being the Chair of St. Joseph’s Board of Directors is a privilege and a responsibility I have great respect for. I hope that together, we can improve the health of our community and make a lasting difference.

Nawaz Tahir
Chair, Board of Directors

Learn more about the members of the board

Join the Board

St. Joseph's Health Care London's Board of Directors is comprised of 22 directors with a range of health care, business, and community service experience.

Directors include:

  • At least 1 member of the clergy from the Catholic Diocese (because we are a faith-based organization);
  • The Dean of the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry (because of our affiliation with The University of Western Ontario);
  • The Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences (because of our affiliation with The University of Western Ontario);
  • 3 members of the medical staff (as per the Ontario Public Hospitals Act);
  • Chief Nurse Executive (as per the Excellent Care for All Act 2010);
  • St. Joseph's President and CEO
  • Balance of Directors are elected through the Nominating Subcommittee of the Governance Committee of the Board in accordance with the Board’s Appointment and Onboarding policy.

When a member leaves our Board after their term (potential for two 3-year terms), the Nominating Subcommittee looks for a replacement with a similar set of skills and/or additional skills and backgrounds to round out the Board complement.

Candidates are typically drawn from the Board's Committee Members who have spent several years participating and learning about St. Joseph's and the various health care services it provides to the community (see St. Joseph’s Board governance structure). A candidate's ability to give a significant amount of volunteer time and their level of commitment to the organization are important factors in the selection process.

Once the Nominating Subcommittee identifies potential candidates, their biographies are given to our owners, St. Joseph's Health Care Society. The Society is kept up-to-date throughout the nominating process, since it ultimately approves new Board Directors at its annual meeting of the members.

St. Joseph’s Board of Directors is governed by the Corporate By-Law. St. Joseph’s Credential Professional Staff is governed by the Credentialed Professional Staff By-Law.

For more information, please contact the Office of the Board Chair at 519-646-6100 ext. 64202 or email Terri-Lynn Cook at


Regular meetings of the St. Joseph's Health Care London Board of Directors ("Board") are traditionally held on the last Monday of the month.

The public and staff are welcome to observe the open portion of the Board’s meetings to:

  • facilitate the conduct of the Board’s business in an open and transparent manner;
  • ensure the corporation maintains a close relationship with the public, the media and stakeholder groups; and
  • generate trust and accountability.

If you are interested in attending the Board of Directors meeting, please notify by telephone 24 hours in advance of the meeting by calling 519-646-6100 ext. 64202 or email Anyone who attends a Board meeting without providing required notice may be asked to leave at the request of the Chair.

Conduct During a Board Meeting

  • Scheduled attendees/guests will have observer status, meaning that they may not provide comments or questions during the meeting, unless requested by the Board Chair.
  • Recording, videotaping and/or photography are prohibited.  All cell phones and other electronic devices shall be put on silent.
  • Anyone who is disruptive to the proceedings will be asked to leave and may be prohibited from attending future meetings.
  • In the event that the scheduled attendees/guests have questions arising from the Board meeting, the Board Chair and/or Chief Executive Officer will be available upon request to address queries after the meeting.

Agendas for the open portion of the Board’s meetings will be posted on St. Joseph’s public website five (5) days in advance of each meeting (supporting materials to the agenda are only provided to Directors of the Corporation and members of St. Joseph’s Senior Leadership Team).  Please refer to each posted agenda for the scheduled time that the meeting will be called to order and the noted list of upcoming meetings provided below.

CEO Report to the Board

Our Commitment to Partnership

St. Joseph’s Health Care London is committed to partnership, collaboration and system integration for the people we serve across our community, our region and beyond. To do this, we rely on a variety of service models with an overarching goal to ensure strong and collaborative relationships with our regional health care and academic partners. 

As outlined in our strategic plan, we will also continue to purposefully partner with patients, residents, and family caregivers in their direct care, the design of our programs and services, and our advocacy efforts. We will be a leading example of patient, resident, and family caregiver partnerships focused on improved patient experience and outcomes.