Family medicine

Family physicians provide care for patients at both St. Joseph's Health Care London and London Health Sciences Centre and through the hospital affiliated family medical centres: St. Joseph's Family Medical Centre, Byron Family Medical Centre and Victoria Family Medical Centre

Family physicians also participate extensively in teaching medical students and residents in various settings. There are currently 154 family medicine residents in the two-year family medicine program training in London. 

Family physicians are involved in a wide range of research initiatives such as: health services research, diabetes, exercise and the elderly, patient/physician communication, electronic medical records, and palliative care.

Need a family doctor?

Please contact the London & District Academy of Medicine or Health Care Connect.

How does your family doctor care for you while you are in the hospital?

Learn more through this video on YouTube

How can you help your family doctor?

Learn more through this video on YouTube

 Related links:

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Our team

Dr. Stephen Wetmore

Chief Citywide Department of Family Medicine and Interim Site Chief Parkwood Institute Main Building
Chair, UWO Department of Family Medicine  
Phone: 519 646-6100 ext. 65899 or 519 661-2037 ext. 86625 
Email: @email

Dr. Sharon Koivu

Site Chief London Health Sciences Centre (University Hospital)
Phone: 519 646-6100 ext. 36869
Pager. 519 646-6100 ext. 13869

Dr. Scott McKay

Site Chief of Family Medicine London Health Sciences Centre (Victoria Hospital)
Phone: 519 646-6100 ext. 74229
Pager: 519 646-6100 ext. 13712
Email: @email

Sheena Blasing

Administrative Assistant
Citywide Department of Family Medicine
Phone: 519 646-6100 ext. 64884
Email: @email

Who we are

There are almost 300 full time and part time family physicians in the City of London. One hundred and eighty have privileges at St. Joseph’s Health Care London and at London Health Sciences Centre.

Family physicians provide patient care:

  • To patients awaiting long term care placement

  • To obstetrics patients and newborns

  • To patients requiring admission to one of several inpatient units, including subacute medicine, palliative care, and the Transitional Care unit

  • To patients in mental health care facilities

  • To individuals in the Veteran’s Care and Complex Care programs

  • To patients attending family medicine clinics and family physician practices throughout London

  • To patients with complex medical and social problems, including the homeless, and patients with addictions and substance abuse issues.

Family physicians participate in emerging new models of primary care delivery including Family Health Groups, (FHG), Family Health Organizations, (FHO), and Family Health Teams, (FHT).

What are family health teams?

Where do family physicians support patients?